PM IS&A - Intelligence Systems & Analytics


Develop and field modernized intelligence systems through an exceptional workforce of dedicated professionals and integrate best value solutions for the battlefield of tomorrow.


Provide revolutionary solutions to enable Commander’s situational understanding in the future complex environment.


Project Manager, Intelligence Systems & Analytics (IS&A) is responsible for critical Army Intelligence Foundation modernization initiatives. Specific projects include the Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN), the Intelligence Applications program, the Army Intel Data Platform (AIDP), Project Linchpin, the Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT) Next Gen (JTT-NG), and the current force Distributed Common Ground System – Army Family of Systems.


COL Chris Anderson, Project Manager PM Intelligence Systems & Analytics

Colonel Chris Anderson leads a team that provides critical intelligence access and analytic capabilities across all Army echelons, from the tactical edge to the strategic enterprise level. The IS&A portfolio encompasses multiple programs of record, including Distributed Common Ground System – Army (DCGS-A), Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN), Intel Apps, and numerous other HUMINT/SIGINT/GEOINT capabilities.

He was commissioned as a Field Artillery officer in 1998, and since 2007 has served in a wide variety of Army and Joint acquisition billets, most recently as a founding member of the Army Hypersonic Project Office. Prior to developing the command and control system for the Army’s first Long Range Hypersonic Weapon, COL Anderson was the Product Manager for Fire Support Command & Control in PEO Command, Control, and Communications – Tactical (PEO C3T).

Previous assignments include serving as the US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) Division Chief for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), responsible for coordinating testing and the operational employment of ballistic missile defense assets throughout that theater. From 2011-2013, he ran the Personnel Recovery Support Equipment (PRSE) program for PEO Soldier and fielded cutting-edge capabilities to recover captured or missing service members. Colonel Anderson also served as the Assistant Product Manager for Surface- Launched AMRAAM (SLAMRAAM) in PEO Missiles and Space, and as an Operational Test Officer for the Fire Support Test Directorate at Fort Sill. From 2008-2009, he deployed to Iraq as the leader of a Forward Operational Assessment (FOA) Team in support of Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC).

His operational assignments include serving in the 82nd Airborne Division as a Rifle Company Fire Support Officer with Bravo Company, 3-504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, where he deployed to Kosovo in support of Operation Joint Guardian. Upon his return to Fort Bragg, he served as the Charlie Battery Fire Direction Officer, Platoon Leader, and Battalion S4 for the 3-319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment. He commanded Charlie Battery, 6-27 FA (MLRS) in Iraq and Fort Sill, and served as an Observer-Controller/Trainer Team Chief and Brigade S4 for the 205th Infantry Brigade (AC/RC) at Camp Atterbury, Indiana.

Colonel Anderson holds a bachelor’s degree in biological science from Ripon College, Wisconsin, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alabama – Huntsville, and a Masters in Strategic Studies from the US Army War College. His military education includes the Field Artillery Officer’s Basic and Captain’s Career Courses, the Combined Armed Services Staff School, Command and General Staff College, the Program Manager’s Course, and Senior Service College. He is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps and holds professional certifications in Program Management (Level III) and Test & Evaluation (Level II).

Colonel Anderson’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (with four Oak Leaf Clusters), Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (with three Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Achievement Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), as well as multiple campaign medals for Iraq and Kosovo and the Army Parachutist Badge. He is a member of the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara and is the current President of the Aberdeen Proving Ground chapter of the US Army Field Artillery Association.

Colonel Anderson has one daughter, Cassidy, a freshman at Penn State University.

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Gregory Hartman

Mr. Gregory Hartman began Government service in 2005 as a Computer Scientist assigned to the RDECOM CERDEC Software Engineering Directorate at Fort Monmouth, NJ. He was assigned to Project Manager, Distributed Common Ground System – Army (PM DCGS-A) in support of Requirements, Architecture and Interoperability. In 2008, Mr. Hartman was assigned to PM DCGS-A, Product Manager DCGS-A Mobile Systems as the software lead for the Mobile Basic program.

In 2009, Mr. Hartman was assigned to PEO IEW&S, PM DCGS-A and in 2010 became the lead system engineer for PM DCGS-A, Product Manager, DCGS-A Mobile Systems providing day-to-day technical leadership for the DCGS-A Software Baseline 1.0 program through its Army and OSD oversight activities leading to DAE-approved Milestone C and Full Deployment Decisions. He held this position until May 2013.

In May 2013, Mr. Hartman was selected as the Chief Engineer for PM DCGS-A, providing oversight and direction for all technical efforts across the DCGS-A portfolio. In 2015, he consolidated the responsibility of the Technical Director for PM DCGS-A, unifying the strategic and tactical technical and engineering activities for the DCGS-A program.

In May 2019, Mr. Hartman was selected as the Deputy Project Manager for PM DCGS-A, providing overarching leadership and direction to projects assigned to the ACAT I DCGS-A portfolio. In June 2020, Mr. Hartman guided the program through its transition into Project Manager, Intelligence Systems and Analytics. In his time as Deputy PM, he has been responsible for guiding the portfolio through the initiation and development of multiple key modernization programs critical to Army modernization, while maintaining readiness and managing the lifecycle and divestment of current force systems.

Mr. Hartman earned his Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, with a Minor in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University in 2005. He earned his Master’s Degree from Monmouth University in Software Engineering in 2008. Mr. Hartman is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps and is certified at the Advanced level for Program Management and Practitioner level for Engineering & Technical Management. He completed the Army Civilian Education System Advanced Course in 2015, Executive Program Management Course in 2020, the Army / Carnegie Mellon Data-Driven Leadership certificate in 2022 and the Army Understanding the Defense Industry course through UNC in 2024.

Mr. Hartman’s civilian awards include two Commander’s Awards for Civilian Service, two Superior Civilian Service Awards, two Team C4ISR Top-10 personnel of the year awards, and the Knowlton Award for his contributions to Army Military Intelligence.

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Chief Engineer key contributor to TITAN

By Larry Glidewell | PM IS&A CommunicationsGreg Faragher is the Chief Engineer for the Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN) program, under Project Manager Intelligence Systems and...

PM Intelligence Systems & Analytics wins prestigious AAE award

At a ceremony hosted by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition Logistics & Technology) at the Pentagon on Jan. 10, Project Manager Intelligence Systems and Analytics (PM IS&A) was named the winner of the 2024 Army Acquisition O-6 Project Manager Team of the Year award.

Fusing Intel and EW Data into the Army’s Data Centric NGC2 Architecture

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1st Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) Adopts TITAN: A Game-Changer in Intelligence and Targeting

By Larry Glidewell |On Dec 18, the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force (1st MDTF), a cutting-edge unit designed to operate across multiple domains, integrated the Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node...

Cloud-based intel tool AIDP rolls out to Army units globally

By Shawn Nesaw | Public Affairs Specialist, PEO IEW&SU.S. Army Intelligence units around the world are receiving the Army Intelligence Data Platform (AIDP), enabling intelligence soldiers the...






Capability Drop 1 (CD-1)

CD-1 is a tactical, expeditionary, toolset at the battalion echelon, addressing soldier’s requirements to build All Source intelligence products with streamlined workflows greatly reducing the burden of soldier training and operations.



Provides the Battalion Intel Analyst with the capabilities that they need to perform their most critical tasks, in a connected or disconnected environment.  Provides the 35F, All Source Analyst, the tools for performing the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB); Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) planning; Targeting; and support to the Intelligence Architecture.


  • None
  • Fully fielded and in sustainment as of FY21 (879 CD1’s fielded to 402 Maneuver Battalions)
  • Continued operation and sustainment activities
Capability Drop 1 (CD-1)

Capability Drop 1 (CD-1)

Army Intelligence Data Platform (AIDP)

Set the Army Intel Data foundation and modernize the Army Intel data and analytics.



Modernizes the core technology fielded at the Army’s Fixed Sites/Military Intelligence Brigades with a modern Enterprise Data Warehousing and Analytics solution. Major capabilities include data ingress, processing, egress, persistence, integrity, and discovery (query); and improved security and system administration.  AIDP organizes Data for Analytics & Hosts Services and Tools in the Cloud.


  • US Army Military Intelligence Commercial Cloud Service Provider (AC2SP)
  • Material release approved in March 2023
  • Creation of AIDP Early Adopters Program & Governance Board
  • 250+ Early Adopter Users Trained
  • Initial Operational Capability (IOC) for AIDP in the Cloud
  • FY24: New Equipment Training (NET) and First Unit Equipped (FUE) for AIDP in the Cloud, Exercise Support, New Data Source Integrations, Transition to Software Acquisition Pathway for Capability Enhancements


Army Intelligence Data Platform (AIDP) (formerly DCGS-A CD-2)

Army Intelligence Data Platform (AIDP) (formerly DCGS-A CD-2)


Intel Apps (IA)

Provide the modernized intelligence analysis tools to support Multi-Domain Intelligence (MDI) Framework and Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).



Intel Apps will provide capabilities for all Intelligence disciplines across the Army.  Intel Apps will be fielded in conjunction with the Command Post Computing Environment program delivering modernized Intelligence Analysis and Exploitation capabilities across echelons. The initial set of Intel Apps includes All Source, Intelligence Support to Targeting, Information Collection, and Weather Operational Effects, with additional applications to follow.


  • N/A
  • Engineering and Manufacturing Development
  • FY24: Early User Test and Deployment Decision for All Source and ISTT; RFP Releases, Contract Awards, Technical Testing and Soldier Touchpoints for ICM and WxOE
  • FY25: User Engagements and Minimal Viable Product release for ICM and WxOE; Contract Awards for follow-on Intel Apps
Intel Apps (IA)

Intel Apps (IA)


GEOINT Workstation (GWS)

Enable the processing, storage and dissemination of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) data in support of all Warfighting Functions



The NextGen GWS consists of powerful hardware combined with best of breed commercial off-the-shelf and government off-the-shelf GEOINT software that enables Geospatial Engineers (12Y) and GEOINT Imagery Analysts (35G) with the capability to produce, manage, exploit, and disseminate the Standard and Sharable Geospatial Foundation (SSGF) and authoritative GEOINT products.


  • Edge Node / Tactical Server deployments to enable management and dissemination of Standard and Shareable Geospatial Foundation (SSGF) and GEOINT information
  • Operations and Sustainment; Tech Refresh ongoing of existing GWS and Geospatial Engineer Plotter Suite (GEPS)
  • Next-Gen GWS, pre-initiation
  • FY24, Tech refresh (fielding) of current GWS and GEPS; Initiation of Next-Gen GEOINT Activities. Fielding of SSGF management and dissemination capabilities on Command Post Server Infrastructure. Initial Capability for Army Geo Data Fabric
  • FY24+ Continued Tech Refresh of GWS and GEPS; initial fielding of next-gen GEOINT capabilities. Transition to operates for Army Geo Data Fabric
NextGen GEOINT Workstation (GWS)

GEOINT Workstation (GWS)



Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN)

TITAN is a scalable and expeditionary intelligence ground station that supports commanders across the entire Joint All Domain Operations (JADO) battlefield framework with capabilities tailored by echelon. TITAN leverages Space and High Altitude, Aerial, and Terrestrial layer sensors to provide target nominations directly to fires command and control networks as well as multi-discipline intelligence support to targeting and SA/SU in support of mission command.



TITAN is the next-generation, Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled, expeditionary, maneuverable intelligence ground station to support Multi-Domain Operations (MDO), Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO), and Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) providing Multi-Domain Deep Sensing, Analysis and Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED). TITAN will receive sensor data from Space, High Altitude, Aerial, and Terrestrial layer sensors to provide actionable targeting information directly to fires networks as well as multi-discipline intelligence support to targeting and Situational Awareness (SA)/Situational Understanding (SU) in support of mission command.


  • ISR Sensors (Space, Aerial and Terrestrial)
  • Middle Tier Acquisition – Rapid Prototyping
  • FY24: Up select and contract award for Prototype Maturation Phase. Additional Soldier Touchpoints. First Unit of Issue for TITAN Advanced
  • FY25: First Unit of Issue for TITAN Basic. Multiple Soldier Touchpoints. Multiple prototype issuances for TITAN Advanced and Basic. Test / demo events to inform transition out of MTA Rapid Prototyping
  • FY26: Issue final TITAN prototypes. Complete TITAN Rapid Prototyping program and begin production of TITAN configurations


Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN)

Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN)


Project Linchpin

Project Linchpin delivers trusted AI to Programs within PEO IEW&S.



Project Linchpin enables the Army to deliver trusted solutions for AI-enabled systems through a secure Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Operations (AI/MLOps) environment and services while maximizing the Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC) investments. Project Linchpin enables a collaborative yet competitive environment of industry and government partners to establish the AI/MLOps ecosystem and creates new opportunities for inclusion into the ecosystem through rapid agile acquisition / contracting approaches.


  • Separate AI from software by implementing the Traceability, Observability / Orchestration, Replaceability, and (automated) Consumption (TORC) design principles, enabling enhanced security / trust, modular open system architecture (MOSA) design, and rapid delivery and re-training of AI/ML models
  •  Maximize the use of small businesses and non-traditional defense contractors; leverage the use of traditional partners to scale


  • Project Linchpin is a collaboration between Army Futures Command’s Artificial Intelligence Integration Center (AI2C), Army Research Labs (ARL), C5ISR Center and partners with the DoD’s Chief Data and AI Office (CDAO) as well as the Intelligence Community (IC)


  • Entered into the Adaptive Acquisition Framework’s Software Pathway (AAF SWP) Planning Phase on 01 November 2023


  • Request for Information (RFI): AI BoM – Responses due 01 December 2023
  • Request for Information (RFI): Model Training – Responses due 01 December 2023
  • Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM) 11 – 12-13 December 2023
  • NLP SBIR PHII Sequential Selection / Award – NLT February 2024
  • Additional SBIR Topics forthcoming (Informed by RFIs) 2QFY24
  • Synthetic Data Generation SBIR Phase II Sequential Invite / Award – (Stay Tuned!)



Developing an AI/ML Operations Pipeline: Project Linchpin(.PDF)


Project Linchpin

Intel Enablers (IE)

Operational Intelligence Ground Station (OGS), AN/TYQ-224B

OGS provides deployable Ground Station capabilities for operational Army units to receive, process, exploit and disseminate intelligence from Army, Joint and National sensors.



The OGS is contained in an S-280 shelter, providing services on multiple networks primarily focused on the receipt, processing, exploitation and dissemination of Geospatial and Signals Intelligence. This includes data links and capabilities for the specific processing and interface required for Army Aerial ISR Platforms, along with numerous other Army and Joint platforms. The OGS includes tactical Common Data Links for receiving data via Line-of-Sight from aerial layer assets. OGS are deployed to Army Corps and Aerial Exploitation Battalions. At the Aerial Exploitation Battalions, the OGS is fielded with a Tactical SATCOM System to provide SATCOM connectivity back to the designated Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) Service Centers.


  • EMARSS and Guardrail aircraft sensors, Satellite communications
  • Operations and Sustainment
  • Continue hardware technical refreshes and OGS software upgrades to ensure system capability is sustained.


Operational Intelligence Ground Station (OGS), AN/TYQ-224B

Operational Intelligence Ground Station (OGS), AN/TYQ-224B

Tactical Intelligence Ground Station (TGS)

Receive, correlate, process, store and display actionable GEOINT Data supporting Indications and Warnings; Target Acquisition, and Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) at the tactical level



Enables the BCT S2, DIV G2 or Corps G2 to receive, correlate, process, store and display actionable GEOINT Data supporting Indications and Warnings and Target Acquisition at the tactical level.  The TGS supports Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) execution to answer the maneuver Commander’s priority intelligence requirements and support their decision-making process in the conduct of operations. Provides links to multiple Army and Joint sensors enabling near-real time intelligence processing, exploitation, and dissemination.


  • Connects to Army and Joint aerial sensors; leverages Army radios for communications
  • Operations and Sustainment
  • FY23 – Fielding of final TGS Lot E system. Refresh of 10x TGS Lot D configurations to modern Lot F configuration
  • FY24, FY25 – Continued refresh of TGS Lot D to Lot F. Disposition of TGS Lot D configurations that will not be upgraded
Tactical Intelligence Ground Station (TGS)

Tactical Intelligence Ground Station (TGS)

Cross Domain Server Set (CDSS)

The CDSS allows analysts to transfer data, information and products across networks operating at different security levels.



The CDSS supports Army Commanders and Intelligence Analysts across the full range of military operations by transferring information between multiple networks operating at different classification levels, enabling secure and timely transfer of critical data to the point of need.


  • Dependent on sending and receiving systems at appropriate classification levels
  • Operations and Sustainment
  • FY23 through FY26 – Continued deployment of modernized CDSS configuration
Cross Domain Server Set (CDSS)

Cross Domain Server Set (CDSS)

Cross-Domain Enterprise All-source User Repository (CENTAUR)

CENTAUR provides multi-directional, Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) Integration Backbone (DIB)-enabled cross-domain search and retrieval and supports direct transfer of structured, unstructured, and streaming data.



CENTAUR is the only current cross-domain solution that works directly with the DIB providing two-way, dynamic content discovery and retrieval with integrated coalition sharing capability. It provides an Enterprise capability for machine-to-machine, cross-domain information sharing between different security domains for a variety of data, as well as repeatable process for automated cross-domain data sharing.


  • CENTAUR uses the Cross Domain Federation Service (CDFS), incorporates DIB for cross domain two-way, dynamic content discovery and retrieval with integrated coalition sharing capability
  • Operations and Sustainment
  • Continued operations of CENTAUR capability
Intelligence Fusion Server (IFS)

Provide a suite of core Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) Applications for Intelligence Analysis and storage for tactical and organizational formations with the capability to maintain multi-intelligence level databases, threat situational awareness and Standard Shareable Geospatial Foundation services.



The IFS is a transit-cased tactical computing platform which delivers Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination services and storage to support multi-domain intelligence, geospatial, civil affairs, space operations and special operations in a full spectrum environment.  The IFS provides services to users at maneuver, maneuver support and sustainment organizations at the Brigade, Divisions, Corps and Echelon Above Corps levels on multiple security networks.


  • N/A
  • Operations and Sustainment
  • IFS is being retired as they reach end of useful life
Intelligence Fusion Server (IFS)

Intelligence Fusion Server (IFS)

Intelligence Processing Center (IPC-v2)

The IPCv2 is a tactically deployable, self-contained, fully integrated system capable of delivering a full range of intelligence Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination capabilities to expeditionary Army units.



The Intelligence Processing Center 2 (IPC-2) is the BCT, DIV, and CORPS Commanders’ primary Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) management networking and analytical support system.  It is a deployable, fully integrated system capable of information processing, networking, and communications. The IPCv2 operates within the the BCT main Tactical Operations Center (TOC) and DIV/Corps Tactical Command Post (TAC CP).  With its ability to operate on three different networks, the IPCv2 provides faster setup and tear-down times and reduces the noise, cooling, and the footprint inside the Command Post and TAC CP.


  • N/A
  • Operations and Sustainment
  • Continued operation and sustainment activities
Intelligence Processing Center (IPC-v2)

Intelligence Processing Center (IPC-v2)

Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT)

Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT)

Provides Warfighter access to tactical intelligence information via the Joint Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS) enterprise, by securely disseminating critical battlespace awareness data globally in near real-time (NRT) to commanders, planners and Warfighters.



Joint Tactical Terminal variants (JTT-Senior, JTT-IBS and JTT- Next Generation) are the primary radio terminal component of the IBS.  The JTT is a SATCOM terminal that satisfies radio communications requirements for the IBS program. JTT provides various Joint Intel producers, consumers, and weapon systems global access to IBS message priorities to include Sensor-to-Sensor and Sensor-to-Shooter data exchange, Indications & Warnings, ISR common picture, Targeting, Friendly Forces Tracking and Combat Search and Rescue data.


  • Radio terminal for the Integrated Broadcast Service enterprise
  • Operations and Sustainment (JTT-IBS / JTT-Senior)
  • Limited Rate Initial Production (JTT-NG)
  • FY24: JTT-NG
    • Block 1
      • Verification and Validation Testing
      • External Testing and Certification
      • User Acceptance Test
      • LRIP Deliveries
      • Solider Touchpoints
      • Beginning of Validated Production
    • Block 2
      • Development
      • Integration
  • FY25:
      • Block 1
        • Continued Validated Production
        • Initiation of ECPs
      • Block 2
        • External Testing and Certification
        • Initial Deployment
Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT)

Joint Tactical Terminal (JTT)