To develop and field integrated capabilities for spectrum warfare.
An Army equipped for spectrum dominance in competition and conflict, ready for the next fight.
Mr. Kenneth Strayer has over 30 years of industry and government leadership experience in Army tactical networks, mission command, electronic warfare and cyber research, development, engineering and integration. Prior to retirement from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2012, Mr. Strayer served in numerous operational assignments as an Armor and Cavalry officer.
As a member of the Army Acquisition Corps, he led efforts within Research and Development Command (RDECOM), Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), multiple Program Executive Offices (PEOs), and as a member of the Army Staff in the Pentagon.
While assigned to the Army G8 Program Analysis and Evaluation Directorate, Mr. Strayer was the Senior Program Analyst for acquisition, equipping, and modernization, leading a team of civilian and military personnel to advise executive leadership on all aspects of acquisition strategy and performance objectives while defending solutions before the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Staff, and Congress.
His final assignment while in uniform was as a Product Manager under the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) program for development of the Mounted Computing Environment.
Upon transition from uniformed service in 2012, Mr. Strayer assumed responsibilities as a Senior Director and Assistant Vice President for the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) where he was accountable for a large business pipeline to deliver engineering, integration and program management services for C4ISR and cyber capabilities. In 2017, Mr. Strayer returned to government service as the Deputy Project Manager for Electronic Warfare and Cyber under the PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEW&S). His team was recognized in 2018 with the David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award and in 2019 as the Army’s Project Management Team of the Year.
In 2020, Mr. Strayer was appointed as the Chief of Staff for PEO Command, Control, Communications – Tactical (C3T), an organization of more than 1,600 employees that manages 45 key acquisition programs to modernize the Army’s tactical network and mission command portfolio. As the Chief of Staff, Mr. Strayer was responsible for development of a diverse and highly technical workforce as well as all engineering, business, readiness, security, information technology, and operations functions. During his final months in PEO C3T, Mr. Strayer served as the Acting Deputy Program Executive Officer (DPEO).
Mr. Strayer currently serves as the Project Manager for Electronic Warfare and Cyber, leading a 300-person workforce in the development, fielding, and support of a $2.5 billion portfolio of integrated electronic warfare, intelligence, cyber and space capabilities.
Mr. Strayer has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from the University of Dayton and received a Master of Science degree in Acquisition Management from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. He is a credentialed Project Management Professional (PMP) with high-level cybersecurity certifications to include a graduate certificate in Cybersecurity Engineering from the SANS Technology Institute.
Mr. Strayer is a resident of Bel Air, Maryland. He is married to the former Cheryl Cheek of San Ramon, California and has three children, Ryan, Leah, and Zachary.
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Mr. Mark Saxon currently serves as the Deputy Project Manager, Electronic Warfare & Cyber (EW&C). Prior to this assignment, he was the Deputy Product Manager (PdM) for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Modernization. As the Deputy PdM, he provided direction and leadership for the execution of the PNT Modernization strategy: accelerating the transition of incremental & disruptive PNT capabilities from Industry, Academia and Government by leveraging the PNT Reference Architecture and Modular Open System Architectures (MOSA) to provide the Warfighter with overmatch of evolving PNT threats.
From March 2019 – February 2022, Mr. Saxon served as the Director of Test and Evaluation for PM PNT. In this role, he was responsible for the program test strategy, coordination with Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), and coordination with Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E). He successfully supervised testing of the Mounted Assured PNT System (MAPS) and the Dismounted Assured PNT System (DAPS) at multiple Developmental and Operational open air test events. The program received positive Capabilities and Limitations reports to support Quick Reaction Capabilities and a positive Milestone Assessment Report to support MAPS Milestone C.
From 2015 until 2019, he served as a Lead Engineer for the Office of the Chief Systems Engineer (OCSE) and the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). During that time, Mr. Saxon designed and developed vehicle architectures and interconnectivity diagrams to support Capability Set fieldings. He was also the project lead for the RCCTO Assured PNT program that led to the fielding of MAPS GEN I.
Mr. Saxon previously supported PEO Command, Control, and Communications, Tactical (C3T) as a Senior Systems Engineer for Tactical Mission Command and Common Hardware Systems. Before his Army Civilian career, he spent eleven years with Battelle developing Chemical and Biological protection systems for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
Mr. Saxon holds a Master of Science in Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He earned the Practitioner Certification in Program Management and the Level III certification in System Planning, Research, Development, and Engineering (SPRDE).
He and his wife Victoria have two boys, Luke and John. Mr. Saxon enjoys golfing, scouting, and practicing taekwondo with his family.
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Strategic Spectrum Warfare (SSW)

Tactical Spectrum Warfare (TSW)
Electronic Attack (EA)
Counter RCIED Electronic Warfare (CREW) / Duke
Provide Counter-Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (C-RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) technology to protect ground forces operating in convoys, single vehicle operations, or fixed locations by blocking or jamming Radio Frequency (RF) signals intended to detonate Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).
The Duke family of systems supports coalition operations in U.S. theatres of operations and other locations worldwide. CREW Duke enables spectrum dominance to protect vehicle convoys against the radio-controlled initiation of roadside bombs. CREW Duke is used in both mounted and fixed site configurations. The Duke V5 is the RESET version of the legacy Duke V3 Program of Record that has increased jamming effectiveness against certain threats and improves reliability and maintainability.
- Tactical vehicles
- non-tactical vehicles
- FY10: CREW-2 Duke designated as ACAT II Program of Record
- FY12: Duke V3 Sustainment transitioned to CECOM LRC and SEC
- FY13: HQDA G3/5/7 approved Directed Requirement
- FY15: CREW-2 CPD Update validated by HQDA G-3
- FY16: CECOM Commanding General (CG) approved Full Materiel Release (FMR)
- FY21: Duke Family of Systems 5-Year Sustainment Contract Awarded
- FY24: Duke Family of Systems Task Order 4 Awarded
- FY25: Duke Family of Systems Task Order 5 Awarded
- FY25: Follow on Sustainment Support Contract
Counter RCIED Electronic Warfare (CREW) / Duke
Modi Dismounted EW System
Modi is a dismounted manpack programmable Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) system that provides full spectrum coverage allowing the Warfighter the ability to maneuver with increased protection against Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (R-CIEDs). It is designed to counter an array of diverse threats through state-of-the-art capabilities.
- N/A
- Operations and Sustainment
- None, in sustainment
Modi Dismounted EW System
Multi-Function Electronic Warfare – Air Large (MFEW-AL)
Multi-Function Electronic Warfare–Air Large (MFEW-AL) is a capability set that will provide Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Commanders with an organic airborne offensive Electronic Warfare (EW) capability.
MFEW-AL is a single, self-contained, airborne electronic warfare pod which will be mounted onto Gray Eagle (GE) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). MFEW-AL is based on Software-Defined Radio (SDR) /Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) architecture, which will utilize both pre-programmed signal characteristic information and real-time battlefield information to complete the intended mission. MFEW-AL will be interoperable with EWPMT to support command and control; remote operations and dynamic tasking.
- Gray Eagle Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool
- Terrestrial Layer System
- FY18: Phase 1 OTA awarded for Prototype System Development
- FY20: Phase 2 OTA awarded for Engineering & Manufacturing Development
- FY21: Milestone C Approved
- FY21: Successful Operational Demonstrations in MDO Live 21, PNTAX 21, and PC-21
- FY23: Developmental Flight Test w/ Soldier Touch Point
- FY24-25: System Qualification
- FY25: Developmental Test w/Soldier Touch Point
- FY25: Limited User Test (LUT)
- FY26: Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
Multi-Function Electronic Warfare – Air Large (MFEW-AL)
NAVWAR EW Systems Overhead (NESO)
Communications are key enablers of adversary anti-access/area denial (A2AD) systems and long-range precision fires. NESO provides operational commanders the ability to deliver effects against these high value targets in the operational and strategic deep fires areas of MDO.
NESO is a lightweight and modular Navigation Warfare/EW system comprised of a multi-channel transmitter/receiver, power amplifiers, and antennas designed for carriage on a High-Altitude Platform. This low-cost system will penetrate into A2AD bubbles to sense, deny and manipulate adversary communications. NESO supports persistent time sensitive targeting thru the detection, identification, direction finding, and tracking of threat systems.
- High Altitude Payload
- Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Network
- FY23: Request for Information (RFI) and Market Research
- FY23: Designated Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for Program of Record
- FY25: NESO Annex B to HAP A-CDD
- FY27: Anticipated Acquisition New Start Program of Record
NAVWAR EW Systems Overhead (NESO)
Universal Test Set (UTS)
The UTS provides Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (R-CIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) personnel with a quick and effective field-level diagnostic capability. The UTS is a Component Major Item to each of the Army developed CREW systems (Duke and Modi).
- Mounted and dismounted electronic warfare systems
- Operations and Sustainment
- None, in sustainment
Universal Test Set (UTS)
Electronic Warfare Integration (EWI)
Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT)
The Commander’s tool to visualize, control, manage, and dominate the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). At end state, EWPMT will provide the ability to plan, model, and manage EW assets (MFEW and TLS) to execute operations (Electromagnetic Support (ES) and Electromagnetic Attack (EA)), enhance targeting, and enable maneuver by synchronizing EW and spectrum management operations across intelligence, operations, and cyberspace in support of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).
EWPMT provides major operational capabilities at varying levels of technical maturity. Future Operations (FUOPS) mode provides the ability to plan, model, and simulate EW effects. Current Operations (CUOPS) mode provides the means to receive geographical lines of bearing (LoB) and other sensor data to produce visualizations of the Electromagnetic Operating Environment (EMOE) enabling situational awareness. EWPMT enables cyber and electromagnetic activities (CEMA) and provides data for the overall Mission Command Operational Picture (COP).
- High Altitude Payload
- Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Network
- FY21: Successfully completed IOT&E with DOT&E oversight
- FY22: Capability Set 23 Technical Test
- Over 25 units equipped and currently supported via ONS
- FY23: Full Deployment Decision (FDD)
- FY23: Delivery and rollout of EWPMT Version 1 to ONS equipped units
- Begin full deployment fielding to the Army 2030
Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT)
Spectrum Situational Awareness System (S2AS)
Sense, detect, and report in near real time (1) a Command Post’s EMS signature, (2) sources of electromagnetic interference from coalition, partner, and enemy spectrum use, and (3) ISR threats utilizing active emissions, and (4) enables Blue Force awareness inside the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS).
S2AS is a dedicated EMS situational awareness system that integrates with EWPMT to provide the Commander with real time EMS Situational Awareness to support Emissions Control (EMCON) decisions, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Resolution, and detect/warn operations centers of unauthorized or intentional sources of interference to enable MDO.
- Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT)
- Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Networks
- Tactical Radio Communications
- FY23: Designated Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for Program of Record
- FY23: AROC Approved A-CDD
- FY25: Acquisition Shaping Panel
- FY25: Begin Prototype Builds
- FY26: Operational Demonstration
- FY27: First Unit Issue
Spectrum Situational Awareness System (S2AS)
Strategic Spectrum Warfare (PL SSW)
Terrestrial Layer System – Echelons Above Brigade (TLS EAB)
TLS EAB is a Division, Corps and Multi-Domain Task Force ground capability planned as an extended-range, terrestrial sensing, collection, and electromagnetic attack system-of-systems. The capability provides Electromagnetic Warfare (EW), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Radio Frequency-enabled Cyber Operations capabilities for situational awareness, situational understanding, and indications and warnings. These attributes improve targeting timeliness and accuracy as well as the delivery of lethal and non-lethal effects in a holistic, synchronized manner to ensure the Army achieves Electromagnetic Spectrum dominance in the Multi-Domain Operations environment. TLS EAB operates on a Modular Open-System Approach architecture and aligns with the C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS).
TLS EAB modernizes the terrestrial layer and provides a capability to digitally interface with Brigade, Division, Corps, unified action partners and mission command systems to sense, attack, deceive and protect. When fielded, TLS EAB will be aligned with the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Battalion force structure and missions to support information superiority, targeting, and Long-Range Precision Fires in Joint All-Domain Operations.
- Assured Positioning Navigation and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Networks
- Tactical Radio Communications
- Medium Tactical Vehicles
- Tactical Electric Power
- FY22: Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) Rapid Prototyping (RP) initiation
- FY22: Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Awards to two competing industry partners
- FY22: DevSecOps Demonstration and Soldier Touch Point #1 (both Vendors)
- FY23: Sensor Demonstration and Soldier Touch Point #2 (both Vendors)
- FY23: Up-select to single vendor
- FY23: OTA contract award for Prototype Build & Demonstration
- FY24: System Design Review (SDR)
- FY24: System Capability Demonstrations (SCD)
- FY24: Contractor Demonstration #1 (CD1)
- FY25: Phase 3 OTA contract award for Operational Assessment
- FY25: Delivery of first prototype
- FY25: Prototype demonstration and Soldier Touch Point (STP) events
- FY26: Delivery of additional prototypes and additional demonstrations and STP events
- FY27: Operational Demonstration
- FY27: First Unit Issued
- FY27: Transition to Rapid Fielding or MCA
Theater SIGINT System (TSIGS)
Provide tactical Commanders at Echelons Above CORPS with a forward deployable, remotely, or locally controlled, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) system for maintaining operational readiness and support for contingency operations.
TSIGS is a Family of Systems comprised of persistent, non-persistent and survey signals SIGINT systems supported by a novel network transport layer. TSIGS is a passive, collect system and when deployed can provide tactical survey capabilities and collection intended for persistent and non-persistent radio spectrum coverage, organic direction finding, and access to multiple communication links.
- Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Networks
- Tactical Radio Communications
- FY23: Designated Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for Program of Record
- FY24: AROC Approved CDD
- FY24: Acquisition Shaping Panel and program initiation decision
- FY25: Acquisition New Start (Transition to Program of Record)
Theater SIGINT System (TSIGS)
Tactical Spectrum Warfare (TSW)
Prophet Enhanced Signals Processing (ESP)
Prophet Enhanced (PE) is a dedicated, all-weather, 24/7 ground-based tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Electromagnetic Warfare Support (ES) sensor system, providing Force Protection, Situational Awareness, and Target Development to the U.S. Army. PE is organic to the Military Intelligence (MI) Company (MICO) in the Brigade Combat Team (BCT) and to the Expeditionary – MI Brigade (E-MIB) at Corps.
ESP Sensor upgrades provide:
- SIGINT/ES capability to Detect, Identification (ID) and Direction Finding (DF) over an extended frequency range
- Near-peer threat processing
- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based digital signal processing for future SOI upgradability
- Multi-enclave network access
The PE system detects, identifies, and locates enemy emitters through multiple configurations supporting Manpack, Vehicle-Mounted, and Dismounted / Fixed-site operations.
- Global Positioning System
- Tactical Radio Communications Systems and Armored Tactical Vehicles
- FY17-21: Modify and Field AN/MLQ-44A to AN/MLQ-44B (POR-A to POR-B) Systems
- FY20-25: Modify and Field AN/MLQ-44B (POR-B) to Enhanced Signals Processing (ESP) variant, AN/MLQ-44E(V)1
- FY22: Hardware Transition to Sustainment
- FY22: Sustainment Services Contract with CECOM
- FY23 & FY24: Services and Technology Insertion Task Order Awards
- FY24: POR-B Operator and Maintenance Technical Manual additions to Army Publishing Directorate website
- FY22-25: ESP Fielding
- FY23-35: Hardware Obsolescence Upgrades
- FY23-35: Signal of Interest Software Upgrades
- FY25: ESP Technical Manual and Maintenance Manual additions to Army Publishing Directorate website
- FY25: Services and Technology Insertion Task Order Awards
Prophet Enhanced Signals Processing (ESP)
Tactical Dismounted Electronic Warfare & SIGINT (TDEWS)
Tactical Dismounted Electronic Warfare SIGINT (TDEWS) is an Electronic Warfare (EW) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) ground-based tactical sensor with radio. It is a dedicated, all weather, tactical EW system providing Protection and Situational Awareness to U.S. Army Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs). One TDEWS System consists of a Multi-Channel Receiver and Networked Communications Ground Radio.
- Tactical Networks
- Tactical Radio Communications
- Tactical Electric Power
- Program Status: Quick Reaction Capability; Sustainment
- None, in sustainment
Tactical Dismounted Electronic Warfare & SIGINT (TDEWS)
Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS)
TEWS is a Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) that provides an Electronic Warfare Support (ES) and Electronic Attack (EA) capability to Brigade Combat Teams (BCT). Each TEWS system consists of an integrated suite of radio frequency (RF) antennas and receivers, processors, and EA hardware. TEWS processing includes machine learning signal recognition software as well as integration of Intelligence Community (IC) signal detectors and EA techniques.
- Global Positioning System
- Tactical Radio Communications Systems and Armored Tactical Vehicles
- Program Status: Quick Reaction Capability; Sustainment
- None, in sustainment
Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS)
Tactical Electronic Warfare System – Infantry (TEWS-I)
TEWS-I is the corresponding TEWS capability for Infantry BCT formations. Each TEWS-I system consists of an integrated suite of radio frequency (RF) antennas and receivers, and processors. TEWS-I conducts Electromagnetic Warfare Support (ES) using the same or similar hardware and software, to include the machine learning signal recognition software as well as integration of signal detectors in the Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS).
- Global Positioning System
- Tactical Radio Communications Systems and Light Tactical Vehicles
- Program Status: Quick Reaction Capability; Sustainment
- None, in sustainment
Terrestrial Layer System – Brigade Combat Team (TLS BCT)
TLS BCT is the Army’s next generation tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electromagnetic Warfare (EW), and Cyberspace Operations overmatch system that delivers capabilities to enable the Joint All-Domain Operational (JADO) Capable Force. Provides the soldier critical situational awareness through detection, identification, target development, exploitation, and disruption of enemy networks.
TLS BCT provides Army maneuver forces with non-kinetic offensive operation options for the Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Commanders. TLS BCT’s information superiority provides Indications and Warnings, Force Protection and Situational Awareness to influence the commander’s decision cycle, improve targeting timeliness and accuracy, and provide the maneuver commander with Electromagnetic attack and offensive cyber warfare options to deny, degrade, disrupt, or otherwise manipulate the targeted force. TLS BCT employs technologically advanced systems with a modular open-system approach for multiple configurations that can be efficiently sustained and effectively upgraded to provide capabilities against changing near-peer and emerging threats to address multi-domain capability gaps.
- Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Networks
- Tactical Radio Communications
- Armored Tactical Vehicles
- Tactical Electric Power
- FY20: Initiation of Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) Rapid Prototyping Program
- FY21: Competitive Prototyping and Demonstration
- FY21: Up-selected to winning vendor
- FY22: SBCT Prototype Build and Soldier Input
- FY23: ABCT and IBCT Integration and Assessment
- FY23: SBCT Operational Demonstration #1
- FY25-26: Transition to Rapid Fielding or MCA
- FY25-26: First Unit Issued
Terrestrial Layer System Brigade Combat Team (TLS BCT) Manpack
The TLS BCT Manpack system is a tailorable, modular, terrestrial capability that allows the integration of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) collection, processing, exploitation, reporting, and effects capabilities within the SIGINT Collection Team (SCT) and Electromagnetic Warfare Team (EWT) elements. Provides the Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Commander a tactical advantage with a robust state-of-the-art mobile EW capability for Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).
TLS BCT Manpack is a fully configurable system capable of conducting radio frequency (RF) surveying, signals collection and direction-finding operations, electromagnetic attack and force protection operations, and Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) visualization and scanning/surveying operations.
- Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (A-PNT)
- Tactical Networks
- Tactical Radio Communications
- FY23: Request for White Paper (RWP) and technical evaluation
- FY23: Phase 1 OTA Contract Award for prototype build and demonstration
- FY24: Prototype build and demonstration
- FY24: Transition to Middle Tier Acquisition Rapid Fielding
- FY24: Production, Training and Fielding Contract Award
- FY24: First Unit Issued
- FY24: Urgent Material Release
- FY24-29: Full deployment fielding to the Army
Terrestrial Layer System Brigade Combat Team (TLS BCT) Manpack
Needs for Industry Focus
- CEMA Techniques (Detect, ID, Exploit, Attack)
- Miniaturized High Gain Broadband Directional Antennas
- Miniaturized Broadband Power Amplifiers
- Low SWAP DF Antenna Arrays
- Fast Tuning Sensing, Detection, DF Algorithms
- RF Interference Mitigation and Cancelation
- Low SWAP Miniaturized Tuners, Radios, Processors
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Algorithms for SIGINT/EW/Cyber
- C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS) Compatible Capabilities
- Ruggedized Low Power GPU HW and Algorithms for Micro Service Architectures
- SIGINT/EW Modeling Simulation and Visualization
- Deep Sensing and Affecting in Contested and Denied Environments
- Transmitter Protection/Obfuscation
- Distributed, Cooperative, Coherent Operation & Management for EA
- Automated System/RF Component Resource Management
- Efficient Data Compression and Management in Support of PACE
- Advances in User Interfaces/Experience
- NAVWAR Data from Traditional and Non-Traditional Sources
- Weapon-Target Pairing Tools/Models/Simulations
- Software and Hardware Networking Cross Domain Solutions (CDS)
- Tethered System Payloads
- Blue Force Emissions Awareness
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