PEO IEW&S - Integration Directorate


The PEO IEW&S Integration Directorate facilitates cross program integration both inside and outside the PEO to ensure IEW&S systems are relevant, adaptable, and are interoperable capabilities that pace the threat.


The PEO IEW&S Integration Directorate strives for the realization of a fully interoperable ecosystem of intelligence, electronic warfare and sensor capabilities that seamlessly integrate across all platforms, echelons, and security enclaves, empowering the Army and Warfighter with adaptive, resilient, and unified resources to stay ahead of our adversaries.


To achieve the PEO IEW&S Integration Directorate mission and vision, we focus on four Lines of Effort (LOEs): Open Architecture & Standards; Digital Testing & Engineering; Outreach & Partner Engagements; and Modeling & Architecture Engineering.

Ms. Christine L. Moulton

Ms. Christine L. Moulton

Ms. Christine Moulton currently serves as the Strategic Integration Director for the Integration Directorate at the Program Executive Office for Intelligence Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. In this capacity, she oversees the Army’s Common Operating Environment (COE) Sensor CE program, spearheading the implementation of its interoperability solution with the standardized Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA).

With a strong focus on the Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA), Ms. Moulton leads the Integration Directorate in developing a comprehensive PEO Enterprise Architecture. She is instrumental in formulating the Digital Engineering (DE) design framework for the PEO, emphasizing the adoption of open standards and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to ensure seamless interoperability across Army systems. Her efforts focus to significantly enhance the streamlined development of systems and capabilities within PEO IEW&S.

Additionally, Ms. Moulton supports initiatives with ISA for the ABCANZ standardization and the Unified Reference Data Architecture (UDRA), reinforcing her commitment to advancing interoperability standards within the Department of Defense.

Ms. Moulton holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Thin Film Coating Applications from the Rochester Institute of Technology. She is Level III certified in System Engineering at the Defense Acquisition University.

Prior to her role as Acting Strategic Integration Director, Ms. Moulton was the Lead for the Open Architectures and Standards Team within PEO IEW&S Integration Directorate. She began her career supporting the C5ISR Center in the field of Modeling and Simulation, where she developed a solid foundation in systems engineering and integration.

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LATEST PEO Integration Directorate NEWS:

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If you would like to obtain access to the ISA products, see options below for accounts and information.

Test Resource Management Center (US Citizens)

ISA Software Development Kit (SDK) and associated resources are provided on the Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) website.



If you do not currently have a TRMC account, you can start the account creation process at the following location.


All Partners Access Network (APAN) site (ABCANZ)

American, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand (ABCANZ) Partners



LOE 1: Open Architecture and Standards
Supports common standards and APIs that address interoperability challenges with the PMs as well as maintaining Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) / Department of Defense (DoD) compliance.

  • Integrated Sensor Architecture: The Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA) is a data model and an application program interface (API) that allows for the sharing of sensor and system data dynamically across the network. ISA defines a single semantic data model that operates across all sensor modalities and security enclaves. This allows ISA-enabled sensors to be interoperable without having to establish costly point-to-point connections. ISA enables the dynamic discovery of sensors and their capabilities and is sensor agnostic. ISA is a publicly releasable Government off the Shelf (GOTS) product maintained by the Integration Directorate. The ISA package includes engineering documentation, a Software Development Kit (SDK), compliance tools, and help desk support for product integration and execution.
    Contact ISA:
  • Modular Open System Approach: The Integration Directorate is responsible for the implementation of Modular Open System Approach (MOSA) principles across PEO IEW&S. MOSA is a design strategy used in system development that emphasizes the use of common standards, modular components, scalability, and flexibility. MOSA allows for easier integration, maintenance, and technology refreshes across the PEO’s portfolio, which will lead to reduced system upgrade costs and provide more advanced technologies to Warfighters at a faster pace.
  • Data Standards: The Integration Directorate tracks common data standards to verify that our PMs comply with the latest Industry and Government guidelines. We promote technical standards across the PEO, engage with various community stakeholders and standards boards, and foster widespread adoption to increase our system’s interoperability.

LOE 1: Open Architecture and Standards

LOE 2: Digital Testing & Engineering
Provides implementation guidance and development of a Digital Engineering Ecosystem (DEE), as well as assisting the PMs with Army Interoperability Certification (AIC) self-certification.

  • Digital Engineering Ecosystem: To help ensure continued U.S technological superiority, the Department of Defense (DoD) is transforming its engineering practices to digital engineering (DE), incorporating technological innovation into an integrated, digital, model-based approach. Through the development of a PEO wide Digital Engineering Ecosystem (DEE) the Integration Directorate seeks to advance the state of PEO IEW&S engineering practices to support lifecycle activities while shaping the culture and workforce to innovate, experiment, and work more efficiently. The novel DEE will deliver these capabilities by allowing our engineers to have synchronized access to authoritative sources of truth (i.e. architectural models, computer aided designs (CAD), simulation data), enabling more informed decisions to be made during product maturation.
  • Army Interoperability Self Certification: Army Interoperability Certification (AIC) ensures that Army systems and equipment can effectively communicate and operate with each other and with coalition systems, enhancing mission readiness and operational efficiency. The Integration Directorate is developing a modernized AIC Self Certification process for PEO IEW&S PMs to utilize within a laboratory environment. For more detailed information or questions on this process, please reach out to the team at

LOE 2: Digital Testing & Engineering

LOE 3: Outreach & Partner Engagements
Supports PEO IEW&S equities in operational units and Army Futures Command (AFC) to provide continuity, awareness, and input for the PMs.

  • Exercises, Tests, and Experimentation Events: The Integration Directorate collects data and observations at a variety of exercises, tests, and experimentation events to inform material solutions developed by PEO IEW&S.  These events range from brigade-level field exercises, to theater-level exercises, to events like the Army’s Project Convergence.
  • Staff Coordination and Contacts: The Integration Directorate meets regularly with staff officers at the Army Command (ACOM), Army Service Component Command (ASCC), Corps, Division and Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) levels to gain unit perspectives on PEO capabilities, understand emerging requirements, and identify opportunities for testing and experimentation.
  • Soldier Touch Points: Soldier Touch Points (STPs) are an opportunity for Project Managers (PMs) to gather user feedback on their capabilities from the Soldiers that employ them. The Integration Directorate assists with the coordination and execution of STPs by working with US Army Forces Command to source STPs, liaising with tactical units to identify the best-qualified Soldiers to participate in STPs, and assisting our PMs during execution to obtain and understand user feedback.
  • Requirements Development: The Integration Directorate provides a link between our PEO Project Managers, the Army units that use our equipment, and the Army’s Capability Managers (who define materiel requirements), in their efforts to refine or modify capability requirements and affect necessary program changes in response to user feedback.
  • Multinational Interoperability and Standards: The Integration Directorate represents PEO interests in several multinational standards committees related to Joint ISR technical and doctrinal interoperability to ensure PEO capabilities are relevant and interoperable with US Allies and partner nations. This includes promoting the adoption and use of the Integrated Sensor Architecture standard by our international partners.

LOE 3: Outreach & Partner Engagements

LOE 4: Modeling & Architecture Engineering
Supports PMs with architecture development and reviews, as well as maintaining overarching PEO IEW&S model architectures for internal and external programs.

  • System Design Support: The Integration Directorate provides system engineering support and technical expertise to aid our PMs in building and design of complex interoperability solutions that enable information exchange between DoD systems. The team develops data maps that define the relationships between related standards, translates conceptual design into prototype interoperability solutions, and integrates these designs into current program architectures.
  • The interoperability status and data exchange requirements for PEO IEW&S systems. This information is used to assess the system’s alignment with Universal Mission Threads (UMTs) and confirm that Joint operational goals and strategies are being met. The EA is a framework that gathers and organizes the program’s external interfaces, data formats, data standards, and network types. The information within the EA framework enables our engineers to make informed and timely decisions regarding systems designs throughout the product lifecycle.
  • Information Support Plan: The Integration Directorate supports our PMs in creating, developing, and approving Information Support Plans (ISP). The ISP is a document that outlines the information technology and communication requirements for an Army system or program, ensuring that it aligns with broader network and operational standards.

LOE 4: Modeling & Architecture Engineering