PdM Tencap



Enable the Army to rapidly influence and leverage National capabilities and architectures. Conduct advanced development and rapid prototyping to enhance and modernize Army capabilities and CONOPS to keep pace with and defeat the threat.


Enable the Army – through seamless integration with the Intelligence Community – to exploit National Capabilities to outpace and defeat the threat in a multi-domain, complex environment.


Identify National Agency and other Service-developed, TENCAP-related technologies and capabilities with potential to satisfy Army Operational, Joint Operational, and Emergent Needs Statements, as well as Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System requirements and other documented gaps. When directed, field and sustain quick-reaction capabilities or niche systems that leverage National capabilities.

Identify candidate prototypes suitable for integration into Army Programs of Record (PoR) or retention as niche subsystems. Maintain acquisition management integrity, coordinate with acquisition organizations to facilitate technology transfers, and/or insert TENCAP advanced developments to augment or establish material solutions to satisfy Army validated requirements.

Provide technical expertise and support to the Army that includes:

  • Enabling new concepts
  • Influencing operational architectures
  • Integrating new and emerging TENCAP technologies into the Army force structure
  • Facilitating identification and visibility of Army needs into Joint programs and systems
  • Developing coherent enterprise solutions for identified ISR systems, architectures, and programs
  • Serving as technical expert and primary advisor for TENCAP systems and capabilities for HQDA G2 and Futures and Concepts Division, Army Futures Command (AFC)

In coordination with the National Agencies, lead the Army’s advanced development, rapid prototyping, and integration of theater and tactical ISR sensor capabilities into the Army’s current and future forces. This is done by identifying, sponsoring, designing, demonstrating, experimenting, rapidly developing, testing, and transitioning TENCAP systems, components, and capabilities.


LTC Nick Forlenza, Product Manager PdM TENCAP

LTC Nick Forlenza graduated from the Florida Institute of Technology and received a commission in the Army. Following completion of the Officer Basic Course (OBC) in Augusta, Georgia, he was assigned to Darmstadt, Germany where he served as a Platoon Leader assigned to Company E, 51st Infantry, Long Range Surveillance (LRS). During this assignment he deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from 2005-2006 where he spent twelve months throughout Kirkuk and Baghdad as part of Task Force Phantom.

Upon redeployment, Nick was re-assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vicenza, Italy. Assigned to the Brigade Headquarters, he deployed for 15 months in support Operation Enduring Freedom 2007-2008, supporting operations in Regional Command-East (N2KL) as part of Task Force Bayonet. Following redeployment, he returned to Augusta, Georgia to attend the Captains Career Course (CCC).

After completing the Captains Career Course, Nick was assigned to 3rd Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment (SBCT) in Vilseck, Germany. Shortly after arriving, he transitioned to the Fires Squadron and took command of the Regimental Signal Company. He deployed with the Regiment to Regional Command-South for 12 months in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, where his company was assigned as embedded trainers for the Afghan National Police. Following redeployment, he transitioned to command the Headquarters and Headquarters Troop where he would serve until his tour in Germany ended.

Nick was then assigned to the United States Military Academy at West Point as an Instructor and Branch Representative for Military Intelligence, Signal Corps and Cyber. While assigned to West Point, Nick was selected to attend the Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSC) in residence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he would also complete a Master’s Degree from Central Michigan University.

Following CGSC, Nick attended the Army Acquisition Foundations Course in Huntsville, Alabama, before being assigned to Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

His Acquisition assignments include: APM for PdM Ground Sensors (3rd GEN FLIR), Department of the Army System Coordinator (DASC) for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare, and Sensors (Terrestrial Sensors, Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities), Financial Synchronization Officer (PEO Command, Control, Communications- Tactical, PEO Enterprise Information Systems), and Deputy Technical Executive / Program Manager at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

LTC Forlenza’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Combat Action Badge, Parachutist Badge, Space Badge, and the Army Staff Identification Badge.

Nick is married to the former Stephanie Roth and has two daughters, Lana and Aria.

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Mr. Mark Rooney

Mr. Mark Rooney is the Deputy Director for Product Manager Tactical Exploitation National Capabilities (PdM TENCAP) as of 09 April 23. He is a 1984 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. His first position with the US Government was with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as a Patent Examiner in Biomedical discoveries, from March 1984 until October 1986. Mr. Rooney then left Government service to pursue engineering and development opportunities at VSE Corporation, in Alexandria, Virginia. There his work focused on vehicle modifications and adaptation of new technologies to existing wheeled and tracked military vehicles and U.S. Postal delivery equipment. He gained invaluable experience in power generation and distribution of vehicle-borne power while employed by VSE Corporation.

On 10 October 2000, Mr. Rooney joined US Army Communications-Electronics Command Research and Development Center (CECOM RDEC) at Fort Belvoir where he continued to work on vehicle-borne electrical power generation and export power to off-vehicle power grids. In 2004, Mr. Rooney joined Program Manager Mobile Electric Power (PM MEP) as a matrix employee. Mr. Rooney then became the lead engineer and Deputy Product Manager for acquisition, fielding and sustainment of DoDs medium-sized generator fleet.

In May 2015, Mr. Rooney accepted and completed a six-month developmental assignment at Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) Secretariat and returned to PM-MEP (now Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems (E2S2)) as Science and Technology lead for the Technical Management Division. There he focused on power architecture to link AC generator set output to DC, vehicle-borne power grids in support of AFC’s Multi-Domain Operations and was responsible for development and implementation of life cycle planning for E2S2 Programs of Record.

In October 2019, Mr. Rooney performed duties as the Deputy Program Manager on a Developmental Assignment for Project Manager DoD Biometrics. Permanent status was awarded in July 2019, and he served in that position until April 2022, when Mr. Rooney served as Project Manager (Acting) until April 2023.

Mr. Rooney is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps. He is Level III DAWIA certified in Engineering and Program Management. He is a Program Management 401 graduate, attended Eckerd College Leadership Development Institute (Leadership Development Program) and is a graduate of the Civilian Education System (Advanced Course).

Mr. Rooney is a resident of Lorton, Virginia (think home of the Auto Train to Sanford Florida) and is married to Shelley Rooney, who is a Lead Financial Analyst at Boeing Corporation. They have one child Tyler, a daughter-in-law Chelsea, and two lovely granddaughters: Natalie and Ava.

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Army TENCAP Celebrates 50 Years of Delivering Intelligence

By Brandon Pollachek and Maj. Jurelle J. Mendoza - May 12, 20231973 was a unique time in American history. The Vietnam War was ongoing, gas shortages were causing long lines at the pumps, “Tie a...

Highlighted Quick Reaction Capabilities (QRC’s)

  • JEONS ST-0008
  • HQDA EXORD 080-22 Lateral Transfer of Ground Station/ADV3

Highlighted Projects

  • ISR TF Space Layer Lead for Army G2
    • TITAN (space) Pre-Prototypes
    • Remote Ground Terminal Modernization
    • Advanced Miniaturized Data Acquisition System (AMDAS) Dissemination Vehicle (ADV) and ADV Modernization Efforts
  • Air Vigilance
  • Satellite Ground Terminal
  • Common Framework Environment (CFE) Software
  • Contribute to GEOINT and SIGINT Modernization for the Army