By Megan Paice, PEO IEW&S Public Affairs SpecialistJuly 27, 2023
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To support the expanding cyber, information warfare and tactical space missions, Project Management Cyber and Space (PM C&S), was created as a new project management office within Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S).

Christopher Green assumed duties as PM for Cyber & Space during an Assumption of Charter (AoC) ceremony, held July 25th at the Mallette Training Facility on Aberdeen Proving Ground. Brig. Gen. Ed Barker, PEO for IEW&S presided over the ceremony.

The establishment of PM C&S will bolster support to the Army Cyber Community and is the latest step in the Army’s recognition that these contributions to the Joint cyber warfighting operations extends beyond Army Cyber Command to the Army Acquisition community. In the next six to 12 months, PM C&S will continue focusing on recruitment of new talent, while still supporting key stakeholders.

“The days of the Army being a Kinetic only force are gone. Our ability to operate in multiple arenas has become paramount with none more important than mastering the cyber warfare arena…The speed in which you must operate in this environment [cyberspace] is crucial. That’s why we felt that the emphasis on this domain is important and to stand-up a dedicated organization based on that. An organization that has the agility, the mechanisms, the processes in place, the workforce, the culture to be able to respond quickly. The traditional acquisition cycles no longer apply in this space,” Barker said.

As the PM, Green provides technical and managerial oversight of the development, acquisition, fielding, and life cycle support of the Army’s portfolio of offensive cyber infrastructure and cyber tool development. Green had previously served as the Product Manager, Joint Battle Command Platform within PEO Command, Control and Communications-Tactical. In addition, he served as Deputy Project Manager, Defensive Cyber Operations within PEO Enterprise Information Systems.

“We’ll be accomplishing this through extensive collaboration with our partners across the federal government, Department of Defense and Industry. The Army has already been leaning forward for many years and has supported to the operational cyber warfighting mission. Although PM C&S as an organization is new, its core mission is not,” Green said.

The core mission at PM C&S is to develop an environment that enables Army and joint offensive cyber operations to flourish.

Christopher Green during remarks about becoming the new Program Manager for Cyber and Space.

“I am honored to be a part of the PM C&S team. I am even more excited to start helping the staff navigate through the cyber frontier, especially new and innovative talent that will become our future leaders,” said Green.

Initially, the PM will be comprised of Product Manager Information Warfare Cyber and Product Manager Information Warfare Cyber Infrastructure development. Both PdMs will move from Project Management Electronic Warfare & Cyber and realign under PM C&S. This realignment will include the migration of various tools, including the Rapid Cyber Development Network (RCDN), Joint Common Access Platform (JCAP), etc.

Initial building of PM C&S began in August of 2022 when Cathy Hammer assumed duties as the Deputy Project Manager Cyber & Space. She along with several initial staff members built out the foundation of the organization that was officially stood up in conjunction with the AoC ceremony.

“The AoC for PM C&S is a defining moment from which cyber innovation and technical advancements can grow. Using the words of Aristotle, ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.’ It is through this official charter that Army Cyber activities unite and align us for great success,” Hammer said.

Future phases will include the migration of tactical space capabilities and the addition of new offices to support emerging cyber requirements.

Both Green and Hammer said that unlike the traditional warfighting domains, the cyber domain is different in that it plays a role in each of them. As the world increasingly relies on the digital age, cyber’s significance on the modern battlefield will only continue to grow.

PM C&S: Cyber and Space
Christopher Green assumed duties as PM for Cyber & Space du ring an Assumption of Charter (AoC) ceremony, held July 25th at the Mallette Training Facility on Aberdeen Proving Ground. Brig. Gen. Ed Bark

Christopher Green assumed duties as PM for Cyber & Space du
ring an Assumption of Charter (AoC) ceremony, held July 25th at the Mallette Training Facility on Aberdeen Proving Ground. Brig. Gen. Ed Bark
Christopher Green assumed duties as PM for Cyber & Space during an Assumption of Charter (AoC) ceremony, held July 25th at the Mallette Training Facility on Aberdeen Proving Ground. Brig. Gen. Ed Barker, PEO for IEW&S presided over the ceremony. (U.S. Army Christopher Sheeler, PEO IEW&S)

Christopher Green assumed duties as PM for Cyber & Space du ring an Assumption of Charter (AoC) ceremony, held July 25th at the Mallette Training Facility on Aberdeen Proving Ground. Brig. Gen. Ed Bark Christopher Green assumed duties as PM for Cyber & Space during an Assumption of Charter (AoC) ceremony, held July 25th at the Mallette Training Facility on Aberdeen Proving Ground. Brig. Gen. Ed Barker, PEO for IEW&S presided over the ceremony. (U.S. Army Christopher Sheeler, PEO IEW&S)

Christopher Green during remarks about becoming the new Program Manager for Cyber and Space.
“I am honored to be a part of the PM C&S team. I am even more excited to start helping the staff navigate through the cyber frontier, especially new and innovative talent that will become our future leaders,” said Green. (U.S. Army Christopher Sheeler, PEO IEW&S)