Foreign Military Sales

Foreign Military Sales:

Foreign Military Sales (FMS) is a form of security assistance authorized by the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). Under Section 3 of the AECA, the U.S. may sell defense articles and services to foreign countries and international organizations when the President of the United States formally finds that to do so will strengthen the security of the U.S. to promote world peace.



The FMS program requires an authorized representative from your government to submit a Letter of Request to the USG for the desired defense articles and services.

If interested in FMS or require assistance with Pre-LOR request for information please contact the Security Cooperation Officer in your country, the appropriate Military Department Country Manager, or the Defense Support of Civil Authorities  Country Portfolio Director. They can arrange for you to meet with U.S. experts/DoD to discuss requirements, constraints, timelines, and potential options.



Who leads the program?
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) administers the FMS program for the Department of Defense (DoD).
Why is FMS Important?
  • It allows for weapon system interoperability with allies which can be valuable in joint operations
  • Industry benefits by keeping production lines warm when there is a decrease or gap in production from U.S. Government sales
Who can participate?
The President of the United States designates countries and international organizations eligible to participate in FMS. The Department of State approves individual programs on a case-by-case basis. Currently, some 223 countries and international organizations participate in FMS.
How is FMS acquired and paid for?
Under FMS, the U.S. Government uses DoD’s acquisition system to procure defense articles and services on behalf of its partners. Eligible countries may purchase defense articles and services with their own funds or with funds provided through U.S. Government-sponsored assistance programs. In certain cases, defense articles may be obtained through grants or leases.