By Larry Glidewell |

Col. Chris Anderson, Project Manager Intelligence Systems & Analytics, center left, smiles holding his team's trophy for 2024 Army Acquisition O-6 Project Manager Team of the Year award with Hon. Douglas Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, left; Lt. Gen. Robert Collins, Military Deputy for ASA(ALT), center right; and Sgt. Maj. Robert Haynie, at a ceremony Jan. 10. (Photo Credit: Courtesy photo)

Hon. Douglas Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, gives opening remarks at the 2024 Army Acquisition Executive Excellence in Leadership Awards Ceremony. (Photo Credit: Courtesy photo)
At a ceremony hosted by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition Logistics & Technology) at the Pentagon on Jan. 10, Project Manager Intelligence Systems and Analytics (PM IS&A) was named the winner of the 2024 Army Acquisition O-6 Project Manager Team of the Year award. This prestigious recognition highlights the significant contributions of the PM IS&A team in advancing critical capabilities for the U.S. Army.
PM IS&A is a dynamic organization with multiple programs supporting key Army modernization priorities, to include data centricity, deep sensing, and Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML). The IS&A portfolio includes the Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN), the Army Intel Data Platform (AIDP), and Project Linchpin – the Army’s premier AI/ML ecosystem, all of which experienced exceptional achievements during this year. The PM IS&A team has a remarkable track record for delivering capability efficiently and effectively, which greatly enhances the decision-making ability of Commanders on the battlefield, while consistently being recognized for best practices in complex software acquisition, intellectual property and data rights, and creative Acquisition initiatives.
The team successfully completed the second phase of the TITAN program with one of the largest competitive prototyping efforts. Executed under the Middle Tier of Acquisition, the Army evaluated prototypes from two vendors in a series of Government-run, Soldier-operated Demonstration and Acceptance Tests (DAT). The PM team assembled a diverse team from across the stakeholder community, and ultimately selected a non-traditional prime vendor supported by an impressive team of defense industry subs and small businesses. Over 1,500 years of cumulative military experience gathered over sixteen soldier touchpoints was crucial to informing the decision. The TITAN team partnered with industry and took delivery of the first prototype system in May 2024, just three months after contract award. The program gained concurrence from the Army Acquisition Executive to execute an innovative “dual pathway” approach out of the MTA for the TITAN production program, combining Major Capability Acquisition and Software Pathway to govern parallel system production and continuous software evolution.
Army Intel Data Platform (AIDP) conducted fielding and training for Army units in all theaters across the Globe while rapidly responding to crisis events in multiple regions, directly supporting high priority Army missions. AIDP provides a true global Common Intel Picture and is a huge leap forward in transforming into a more data-centric Army. The team leveraged deployment in the Army Intel Commercial Cloud to scale capability based on user demand. AIDP has successfully operationalized as a commercial-cloud only deployment, achieving exceptional operational availability and avoiding substantial data center infrastructure and operating costs.
Through Project Linchpin, PM IS&A initiated the first Army program focused on Artificial Intelligence to support Army needs. Project Linchpin operationalized initial AI training and development environments through partnerships with OSD Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office and Army Research Labs within the first six months of the effort. Through relationships and partnerships with CDAO, obtained support for preparing millions of samples of data to be used in training AI models. The Linchpin team developed an ‘open architecture’ concept for Artificial Intelligence, defining how the Army and industry will enable modularity for trained models and the training pipeline. Through partnerships with multiple PEO/PM organizations and programs, the team commenced market research, data collection and preparation for advanced pilots to refine the Linchpin and Army AI implementation plans in support of modernization program requirements.
All of this was accomplished through an exceptional team of leaders and individuals coming together to deliver state-of-the-art capabilities on rapid timeframes, always adapting to the threat and needs of the user. PM IS&A is consistently consulted by ASA(ALT) and other PMs and PEOs for best practices on technically and programmatically complex acquisition programs, setting examples for the DOD in the areas of intellectual property, data rights, and open system architecture approaches to acquisition. The PM IS&A team meets every challenge with energy, enthusiasm and a commitment to professional excellence. The IS&A workforce is remarkably agile and passionate, with a strong bench of leadership and new talent postured to continue the tradition of excellence in support of future Army needs.
PM for IS&A, Col. Chris Anderson said,
“PM IS&A being named the winner of the 2024 Army Acquisition O-6 Project Manager Team of the Year award is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the entire PM IS&A team and how it is transforming the way the Army collects, analyzes, and utilizes intelligence, ultimately enhancing our ability to protect our soldiers and achieve mission success.”