Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) Contract Cancellation

Apr 30, 2024
News | PM EW&C | Press Release
Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) Contract Cancellation

Release # 24-04 30 April 2024
Contact: Brandon Pollachek


ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD – The U.S. Army recently announced the cancellation of the Electronic Warfare Planning and Management Tool (EWPMT) task order competition under the RS3 Enterprise contract. The decision was prompted by evolving requirements and a strategic realignment within the program.

As part of this realignment moving forward, the U.S. Army continues to prioritize its service specific EWPMT fielding of current capability and will also focus on EWPMT software architecture modernization. Program Executive Office – Intelligence, Electronic Warfare, and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) is working on a pilot as part of the architecture modernization in collaboration with the United States Marine Corps (USMC), shifting EWPMT’s electromagnetic warfare and spectrum management capabilities to the Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) framework. This effort is being led by the Electronic Warfare Integration (EWI) product management office.

TAK-X is a framework on which applications for presenting situational awareness data and geospatial visualizations can be built. Transition to the TAK framework is consistent with ongoing efforts to deliver capability at speed by leveraging common technologies across the Services with a similar user experience. The TAK user community collaborates across the EW user space and presents opportunities for technology advancement and integration across the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, Special Operations Command, and the Joint Communities of Interest.

This strategic move aims to ensure that EWPMT is a relevant capability at the forefront of emerging operational requirements. The results of the U.S. Army-USMC collaboration on the TAK-X foundation will provide for microservice-based, modular software architecture satisfying Joint and individual Service requirements. It will enable agile development, integration, and ability to rapidly adjust to evolving operational requirements.

The initial releases of the modernized architecture, EWPMT-X, will be piloted and demonstrated over the next year to gain EW operator feedback. If the pilot effort proves successful, EWPMT-X will replace the current version of EWPMT in Fiscal Year 2026, ushering in a new era of Joint electronic warfare and spectrum management capabilities.

The U.S. Army program office is assessing future contract efforts based on operational and support requirements. Updates on future contract opportunities will be released via SAM.gov and PEO IEW&S – hosted Acquisition Lead Time (ALT) Industry events.


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