Army announces Terrestrial Layer System – Echelons Above Brigade Prototype OTA Agreement

Jun 28, 2023
News | PM EW&C

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD – After 11 months of competitive concept development and design of the Terrestrial Layer System – Echelons Above Brigade (TLS EAB), the U.S. Army entered into an Other Transaction Authority agreement through the Consortium for Command, Control, and Communications in Cyberspace (C5) with Lockheed Martin to support Phase 2 prototype build and demonstration. The Phase 2 agreement totals $36.7M for a 21-month period of performance.

This second phase of a multi-phased OTA will provide prototypes ready for manufacturing proof of concept for the TLS EAB. “Phase 2 advances the prototype from design and lab-based demonstrations to a tangible form factor able to be tested in a relevant environment.” said Lt. Col. Kris Haley, Product Manager, Terrestrial Spectrum Warfare.

The TLS EAB is an extended-range, terrestrial sensing, collection, and electronic attack system providing integrated SIGINT, EW and cyber capabilities for situational awareness, situational understanding, Intelligence & Warning, command post survivability, critical asset protection operations, and supports the delivery of lethal and non-lethal effects in a holistic, synchronized manner for Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).

During Phase 1, the Project Manager, Electronic Warfare and Cyber (PM EW&C), conducted detailed technical reviews that leveraged soldier touch point events throughout the design phase. Soldiers represented a wide range of experience from both Intelligence and Electronic Warfare specialties making their input valuable for the development of this new system. TLS EAB is a technologically advanced system with an architecture based on the Modular Open System Approach with a mission configurable system of systems supporting the Division, Corps, and Multi-Domain Task Force. PM EW&C plans to use the OTA to transition from prototyping to fielding with a First Unit Issued in FY2025.


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