Former Project Director for Sensors – Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) Product Support Manager (PSM) Christine King recently earned her Master of Strategic Studies degree from the Air War College on May 20. King also completed Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase II.

The Air War College is an advanced postgraduate program that functions as the senior professional military education school for the U.S. Air Force. It emphasizes the development of joint knowledge, skills, and attributes required of all Air Force, Sister Service, and international senior officers as well as Department of Defense (DOD) and other National Security civilians.

King’s studies included strategic leadership, foundations of strategy, national decision-making, air power, cyber and space, regional studies, global security, and global campaigning, among others.

While attending Air War College, King participated in a Cyber Research Task Force (CRTF) hosted through the Air Force Cyber College. Through the CRTF she received a cyber-acquisition award for her work on a research paper on cyber security of DOD weapon systems.

“It was a really great experience,” King said. “I was afforded the opportunity to expand my knowledge beyond acquisition and logistics, and better understand the challenges the DOD faces when dealing with cyber threats, policy, and laws. While working on my research paper, I gained a new appreciation for the need to prioritize cyber security and why the cyber community is emphasizing ‘baking it in early.'”

King was able to attend Air War College after applying for the Senior Enterprise Talent Management (SETM) program. Administered by the Civilian Senior Leader Management Office, Deputy Under Secretary of the Army. The SETM and Enterprise Talent Management (ETM) programs prepare participants for positions of greater responsibility in the Department of the Army through advanced senior-level educational and experiential learning opportunities.

Through the SETM program, King qualified to participate in the Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP) module. One of eight modules offered under the SETM/ETM, the DSLDP is a two-year comprehensive educational and developmental program designed to inculcate participants with the enterprise-wide perspective needed to lead organizations and programs and achieve results in the joint, interagency, and multinational environments. Selection to the DSLDP is a three-part process: application through the SETM program, selection by the SETM board, and selection by a DoD board.

“PEO IEW&S and PD SAI were tremendous supporters in me applying to this senior management program,” King said. “I feel like I have been blessed. Air War College opened my mind and my eyes, and I have a new admiration for senior leaders and the complex problems that they solve and what they deal with from day to day.”

Following her graduation, King will continue to complete her two-year DSLDP program by completing an experiential assignment. Over the next 10 months she will be working in the Joint Staff Logistics Directorate (J4), Plans Branch. This opportunity will allow her to work in a joint multinational environment to help better understand how combatant commands (COCOMs) plan and operate.

“This is an amazing opportunity and experience,” King said. “I would recommend it to anyone who wants to become a future leader, is on the fence about becoming a future leader, or just desires an opportunity to learn something new to better prepare themselves to solve complex problems for our Army. Not everyone out there knows of these programs and some may doubt they would get the support to apply so it is definitely beneficial just to talk to leadership and see what opportunity works for you.”

To learn more about the SETM and ETM programs and how to apply, visit the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center website.

Christine King