Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) is pleased to announce the merger of two Product Management Offices, effective 01 June 2020. Product Management Office Electro-Optic / Infrared Payloads (PdM EO/IR Payloads) and Product Management Office Sensors-Unmanned and Rotary Wing (PdM SURW) combine to form Product Management Office Aerial Enhanced Radars Optics and Sensors (PdM AEROS). The establishment of PdM AEROS is championed by the Program Executive Officer Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) and approved by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Plans, Programs and Resources.

PdM AEROS will have three Acquisition Category (ACAT) III Programs under its banner and multiple Quick Reaction Capabilities. The Programs of Record include: Common Sensor Payload (CSP); Small Tactical Radar Lightweight (STARLite); and Shadow EO/IR/LD (SHEILD). The merger of PdM SURW and PdM EOIR allows Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence (PD SAI) to increase efficiencies in the management of these programs. The merger further provides a stronger advocacy platform for these unique, highly effective unmanned aerial assets. PdM AEROS will manage aerial payloads with varied capabilities designated for numerous host platforms, to include the Gray Eagle and the Shadow Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The core mission of all the programs under PdM AEROS is to provide the Soldier with robust, state-of-the-art sensor suites to collect and produce critical intelligence products in multiple Combatant Commands. PdM AEROS programs are currently deployed to support missions in AFRICOM, CENTCOM, and PACOM. The operational tempo for these systems is very high. The products produced by PdM AEROS systems provide necessary battlespace awareness to Combatant Commanders.

PdM AEROS is supported by an outstanding team of 65 personnel, including Military, Department of the Army Civilians, and Contractors. Lieutenant Colonel Melvin T. Mitchell is chartered to lead the Product Management Office. He became the Product Manager for Electro-Optic Infrared Payloads in May of 2019, and now assumes the mantle of PdM AEROS. Project Director Sensors-Aerial Intelligence says farewell to departing Product Manager Sensors-Unmanned and Rotary Wing, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Koschnik as he moves on to a new assignment this summer as the International Technology Center Director for Northern Europe.