Brig. Gen. Robert Collins

Brig. Gen. Robert Collins (then Program Executive Officer for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors) checks out a test aircraft prior to the successful Common Infrared Countermeasures Free Flight Missile Test.

PEO IEW&S bids Farwell to BG Collins

By Brandon Pollachek, PEO IEW&S PAO

A Relinquishment of Charter/Assumption of Responsibility ceremony held virtually on May 29, saw Brig. Gen. Robert Collins hand over the reins of Program Executive Office – Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S) to Mark Kitz, who assumed responsibility as the Acting PEO.

Dr. Bruce Jette, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics & Technology, hosted the ceremony viewed by PEO IEW&S Soldiers, government civilians, contractors and Industry partners via live streaming due to the Coronavirus precautions.

As the Program Executive Officer for IEW&S, Collins along with seven project managers led a team of more than 1,500 Soldiers, DoD Civilians and contractors in the development and sustainment of systems that cover the gamut of military needs. PEO IEW&S is responsible for a multibillion-dollar portfolio consisting of a combination of more than 100 programs of record and quick-reaction capabilities. Fielded assets range from space, airborne and ground sensors to the network connectivity and analyst tools used to exploit the large amounts of collected information.

Jette pointed out a few of the organizations major accomplishments during Collins’ tenure to include: partnering with Army Futures Command’s Assured PNT Cross Functional Team in fielding the Mounted Assured PNT System (MAPS) to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Germany (MAPS ensures Soldiers have assured position and timing to navigate in a GPS degraded and denied environment). Successfully completing the Common Infrared Countermeasures (CIRCM) Free Flight Missile Test (CIRCM will provide protection for aircrews from enemy threats while offering a light weight solution that assists with size, weight, power, and cost challenges on aircraft). Launching the Terrestrial Layer System (TLS) using an Other Transaction Authority award to quickly provide Soldiers with the Army’s next generation tactical vehicle based system (TLS will deliver an integrated suite of Signals Intelligence, Electronic Warfare, and Cyber capabilities for an enduring competitive advantage).

According to the nomination for the Legion of Merit award Collins received during the ceremony, “the organization was able to provide Warfighters with vital systems in support of worldwide operations, delivering solutions to multiple Joint Operational Need Statements for Improvised Explosive Device defeat technologies and Aerial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) that have flown over 60,000 hours in the past year.
Through his leadership, the Army established programs for Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node, Multi-Domain Sensing System, Alternative Navigation and others. These modernization programs will revolutionize how the Army conducts long range fires and ISR operations in 2028.”
In his departing words to the PEO workforce Collins stated “Each and every one of you should be extremely proud of the mission you have accomplished. I will tell you, there a Soldiers, Civilian and Allied partners that are home safe because of IEW&S programs.”

As for where he sees PEO IEW&S in the future, Collins shared that the organization is well suited to support the modernization needs of the Army. He noted it is important to ensure there is continued flexibility in tailoring acquisition approaches, increase Soldier Touchpoint opportunities, and most importantly maintaining a focus on people and leadership.

Kitz, who has served as Deputy PEO for the past year, steps into the role as Acting PEO until Brig. Gen. Michael Sloane arrives from PEO Simulation, Training and Instrumentation this summer